Waveguide Slot Array Antenna 8GHz~110GHz Monopulse
A waveguide slot array antenna is a type of microwave antenna that uses a waveguide with multiple slots cut into its walls to produce a directional beam of radio waves. The main parameters that are used to analyze and design waveguide slot array antennas include:
Frequency Range: The frequency range defines the range of frequencies over which the antenna can operate effectively.
Gain: Gain is the measure of the antenna's ability to focus the radio waves in a specific direction, expressed in decibels (dB).
Bandwidth: Bandwidth is the range of frequencies over which the antenna can operate with acceptable levels of gain and impedance match.
Polarization: Polarization refers to the orientation of the electric field of the radio waves emitted by the antenna.
Impedance Match: Impedance match is the match between the input impedance of the antenna and the output impedance of the radio frequency source.
Directivity: Directivity is a measure of the antenna's ability to concentrate the radio waves in a specific direction.
Efficiency: Efficiency is the ratio of the power radiated by the antenna to the total power delivered to the antenna.